The Self That I Long to Believe In - Book Trailers


Low self-esteem reaches into every area of our lives. Its power and its impact is not easily understated. A low-self-esteem can be crippling, causing people to live horribly marginalized lives bent under the weight of self-hatred and perceived inadequacy. It deludes us into believing that we have no worth…no value…no anything. And every area of our lives become a reflection of those feelings. We fail in relationships. We fail in careers. We fail finding a niche in life because we don’t believe that we have one. Every time we turn around, in whatever way that we do it, we fail…again and again and again. We become outcasts of our own making. We become everything that nobody wants…including ourselves. And everything that we could have been, or done, or accomplished dies a death that it didn’t have to die.

This is a book to lift people. A book to encourage people. A book to give them a handful of workable thoughts and a reliable road out of the low self-esteem that has dogged their days and darkened their lives. A book to help people understand that they are far more than what they could imagine, and far better than what they might dare to dream. This is a book to liberate people from the chafing chains of low self-esteem. This is a book of freedom.

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