Dwell in the Word Psalm 1

Dwell in the Word Psalm 1

In Psalm 1, the blessed man is described as one who avoids the counsel of the wicked, the path of sinners, and the company of scoffers. However, there is also an active element to his blessedness. He delights in God's law and meditates on it day and night. Biblical meditation is not passive, but rather intentional and immersive. The result of this active engagement with God's word is depicted as a flourishing tree planted by streams of water, bearing fruit and never withering. In contrast, the wicked are like worthless chaff blown away by the wind. The psalmist emphasizes that the wicked will not stand in judgment or among the righteous, while the Lord knows the way of the righteous. The psalm points to Jesus as the ultimate fulfillment of the blessed man, who accomplished what we cannot on our own. Through faith in Jesus, we can live in freedom, knowing that he has rescued us and given us the gift of salvation. By looking to Jesus and delighting in God's law, we can live a life that brings glory to God.

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