Hilarious Emmy Speeches From Tim Conway And Harvey Korman

Two comedic giants recalled some of their most memorable moments from one of Hollywood’s biggest and most prestigious award shows.

The Carol Burnett Show, decades after it last aired on television, is still a beloved and iconic show. It was known for its zany and off-the-wall skits, which usually ended in members of the show’s talented cast breaking character and doubling over with laughter.

Tim Conway and Harvey Korman were two people who comprised The Carol Burnett Show’s hilarious cast. Tim and Harvey received praise from critics, audiences and peers for their outstanding work. They were also honored for their laugh-out-loud efforts with accolades, including Emmy Awards.

In a clip posted to YouTube, Tim and Harvey reminisced about specific and, of course, hilarious moments during the annual awards ceremony. The first instance that Tim mentions involves him giving a speech following his big win. However, his speech goes in a very different direction and soon has the audience howling with laughter.

Tim, with a telegram in hand, informs the audience that he’s not great at thanking people. Instead of winging his speech, Tim came prepared and read off the piece of paper in hand. Hilariously, it ends up being an advertisement for a putt-putt-golf course.

The next moment they look fondly back upon involves Harvey winning an Emmy award over Tim. But not wanting to be left out, Tim walks up on stage with Harvey, leans on him and gazes up at him like a sad, defeated puppy.

The final instance in the clip involves both Tim and Harvey walking on stage after their names are read. Both the presenter and the audience in the theater are left baffled. Unfortunately, neither of them wins. Fellow comedic actor Chevy Chase was the big winner that night.

Tim and Harvey were true legends. They possessed the skill and talent to take a run-of-the-mill, mundane and boring moment and turn it into something gut-bustingly funny!

Luke 6:21 “Blessed are you that hunger now: for you shall be filled. Blessed are you that weep now: for you shall laugh.”


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A Prayer to Overcome Procrastination and Laziness - Your Daily Prayer - October 23

The temptation to be lazy is ever-present. Just like any sin, laziness is exchanging long-term benefits for partaking in temporary pleasure. It is a seemingly easy road, but it leads to consequences.

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