28 weeks: 3D/4D Ultrasound: Life In Progress... - Popular Christian Videos


Peoria, AZ - Debby is just short of being 7 months pregnant. She and Jasper spent January 10th, 2009, a beautiful Arizona Saturday morning at 'Peek-of-You', a local 3D/4D ultrasound provider. Debby's due date, April 8th, is approaching very quickly. Jasper and she are very excited to have their first baby and have invite friends and family to join them on their journey, keep them in their prayer and encourage them.

Even though they had the great opportunity to sneak a peak into her womb with 2D ultrasound, (See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBw2XP) where they were filled with joy to discover they were having a healthy baby boy. They quickly and readily decided on a name for their baby, Jasper Prentiss Welsh III, after his father.

Viewing the baby with the 2D ultrasound was breath-taking, however, the opportunity to use 3D/4D ultrasound as a window into the Mother's womb is Amazing. Being able to watch their baby shift, move, and even yawn gave them a sense of how great our Creator, God is and they are extremely thankful for the precious gift of a child.

Check out Debby's baby blog at: http://www.OurFavoriteStory.blogspot.com

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