"The Spread of the Gospel," a sermon by Rev. Douglas Watson - Ministry Videos


The early Christian church experienced a crisis in its life when a fierce persecution broke out against it in Judea. In the providence of God, this very persecution was the impetus for the gospel spreading across religious differences and cultural barriers, as ordinary Christians took the gospel with them to new communities throughout the world. The Christian faith is strong and aggressive, even in its weakest moments, or perhaps especially in its weakest moments. Watch as the Rev. Douglas A. Watson, Area Home Missions Coordinator for the Presbytery of Philadelphia, Orthodox Presbyterian Church, explains from Acts 8 how the gospel spread from the confines of Jerusalem and Judea to the cross cultural ministries in Samaria, Ethiopia, and throughout the world. This message was preached at First Presbyterian Church of Perkasie, PA (www.firstchurchopc.org), an Orthodox Presbyterian Church (www.opc.org), on March 21, 2010. The Rev. Richard Scott MacLaren is the pastor.

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