Insurance by Church - Sermon Videos

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Have you been sold "salvation insurance" by a worldly or prosperity church? How can you tell you should ask. The truth is that most preachers are the "blind leading the blind" that Jesus spoke about and that if the people in the church are being led by the blind preacher that doesn't actually follow the teachings of Jesus nor teaches you to actually do the teachings of Jesus, then you are being led by a blind man. Do you have a stronger relationship with your preacher than you do with Jesus? If so, your preacher might be an idol between you and Jesus.

These and other things are core to the teachings of Jesus. Does your preacher and church push the following:

1) Prayer meetings

2) Fasting

3) Obedience to Matthew 25:31-48 (Sheep vs Goats)

4) Brotherly love

5) Forgiveness manditory

6) Seeking the Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Have you ever actually heard the voice of Jesus? If not, go back and look at the things that Jesus taught his disciples (disciplined ones). If you would read the teachings of Jesus and how he instructed his disciples to follow his teachings, you would see that your church and the attendees are not actually followers of Jesus, but rather hypocrites and of the world. Your eternal destination is in Heaven or Hell is dependent on having a real, obedient personal relationship with Jesus (the son) and God (the Father) through the Holy Spirit Baptism, for the scriptures say "for we were all baptized into one spirit", which comes via the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Did you cry out to Jesus for salvation and repent from your sins (the proper way) or did you just raise your hand at the end of the church service (improper way)? Did your church teach you that you have to follow the teachings of Jesus about repentance, prayer, fasting, giving to the poor, and hating sin (proper way) or do you believe that you can still live in sin and like the world does and that the blood of Jesus will still cover you (not real salvation).

Please set aside what your preacher and church does and teaches which is likely just man teachings and look to what Jesus taught the disciples in Matthew regarding fasting to draw the presence of Jesus closer, giving to the poor via Matthew 25 (sheep and goats) and secret prayer time away from the world just trying to hear Jesus' voice. Ask, seek and knock for the baptism of the Holy Spirit via prayer.

Please pray to Jesus that you attend the church that he wants you to grow in vs. one that someone invited you to or that you chose to attend. God knows where the best church is for you, as most of them are of the world and not of Christ.

To contact us for further help, please feel free to email us at We do not have time to address negative comments. We are only focused on helping people find Jesus Christ in a tangible way and to help people "hear" Jesus, since his sheep hear his voice.

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