Dark Things: An Unfolding Story of the Ongoing Battle Against the Rulers of Darkness...

A realistic inspirational supernatural thriller on spiritual warfare that takes place in an inner city neighborhood in the heart of Washington, D.C. A captivating, shocking and yet inspiring tale by David M. Humphrey Sr about rape victim Virginia Sills, the serial killer who relentlessly stalks her and the Angel of God who fights demons, fallen angles, and the serial killer himself to preserve her life...

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer to See God as the Ultimate Counselor - Your Daily Prayer - December 2

My prayer for your heart and mine to this season, is that we would look to the fullness we have received in our relationship with God the Father. He has promised to counsel us, shepherd us, and sustain us through this time and all the temptations that come up against us.

Read Today's Devotional