Dad Falls To The Ground When Daughter Surprises Him At Church - Inspirational Videos


It was a heartwarming moment captured on camera when this dad falls to the ground after spotting his Navy daughter at church.

It’s never easy when a loved one is serving in the military. But this is the reality that many families in our nation must deal with every single day. They are separated for their family member and must navigate the world without them for an extended time period. This means celebrating births, birthdays, holidays and more without a loved one by your side.

Even though we are all so proud of what these brave men and women do for our country, there is still a piece of our heart that aches for them to return home.

Jerome Mondy hasn’t seen his daughter in over two years. Jadiah serves in the United States Navy and she has been stationed overseas at a base in Japan. She wasn’t supposed to be home for another week, but Jadiah’s brother and mother decided to surprise their father in a very special way.

While he was dancing on stage at Divine Faith Ministries International, Jadiah snuck up from the side stage and started to dance right beside him. Jerome was so overcome with shock and joy that he fell to the ground. Then, he stood back up and gave Jadiah the biggest embrace.

You can truly feel the love and excitement coming from this family and it’s such a special moment between father and daughter. What a beautiful memory to be captured on camera. Welcome home, Jadiah!

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