Viral Teen Sensation Sings A Cappella Cover Of 'Sing' By Pentatonix
Take a look around the famous school building used as the setting for ‘High School Musical’ as viral teen sensation, Lyza Bull, sings an a cappella cover of ‘Sing’ by Pentatonix.
In this video, member of One Voice Children’s Choir, Lyza Bull, sings, raps, and dances her way through famous Utah high school, East High. As they explore East High, Lyza and her dancers from The Dance Club perform an acapella cover to the popular Pentatonix song, ‘Sing.’
Just raise your voice and bring the noise and sing it (Whoa, sing!)
Sing for your mama, sing for your daughter (Sing!)
Sing for you sisters, misters, best friends, brother (Sing!)
The camera follows Lyza through the different classrooms, gymnasiums, and hallways of East High, as she and her fellow ‘students’ perform a dance routine choreographed by Shaundee Bull, Lyza’s mother. The dancing starts as the students are seated at their desk and as the music progressively ‘makes them lose control‘ they break out into more extravagant dances, dance battles, and other impressive stunts. Amongst all the different dancers is even Lyza‘s real life sister, Evelyn Grace.
Disney fans will recognize the East High for being in the 2006 hit movie ‘High School Musical,‘ and both of its sequels. East High claims in the summer of 2007 they had forty to fifty fans come each day to visit the iconic campus.
Lyza has been releasing music to the public since she was 13, which led to her receiving the Utah Music Award for Best New Artist Under 18 in 2017. Lyza’s parents claim Lyza has loved singing her whole life, singing as early as she was able to speak.
"Oh sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth!" Psalm 96:1
Viral Teen Sensation Sings A Cappella Cover Of 'Sing' By Pentatonix
Take a look around the famous school building used as the setting for ‘High School Musical’ as viral teen sensation, Lyza Bull, sings an a cappella cover of ‘Sing’ by Pentatonix.
In this video, member of One Voice Children’s Choir, Lyza Bull, sings, raps, and dances her way through famous Utah high school, East High. As they explore East High, Lyza and her dancers from The Dance Club perform an acapella cover to the popular Pentatonix song, ‘Sing.’
Just raise your voice and bring the noise and sing it (Whoa, sing!)
Sing for your mama, sing for your daughter (Sing!)
Sing for you sisters, misters, best friends, brother (Sing!)
The camera follows Lyza through the different classrooms, gymnasiums, and hallways of East High, as she and her fellow ‘students’ perform a dance routine choreographed by Shaundee Bull, Lyza’s mother. The dancing starts as the students are seated at their desk and as the music progressively ‘makes them lose control‘ they break out into more extravagant dances, dance battles, and other impressive stunts. Amongst all the different dancers is even Lyza‘s real life sister, Evelyn Grace.
Disney fans will recognize the East High for being in the 2006 hit movie ‘High School Musical,‘ and both of its sequels. East High claims in the summer of 2007 they had forty to fifty fans come each day to visit the iconic campus.
Lyza has been releasing music to the public since she was 13, which led to her receiving the Utah Music Award for Best New Artist Under 18 in 2017. Lyza’s parents claim Lyza has loved singing her whole life, singing as early as she was able to speak.
"Oh sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth!" Psalm 96:1
Today's Devotional
A Prayer for Renewal during the Long Days of Winter - Your Daily Prayer - February 6
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Today's Devotional
A Prayer for Renewal during the Long Days of Winter - Your Daily Prayer - February 6
I’ve learned over the years that there are some great ways we can help guard ourselves against the winter blues. Here are three things I do regularly every winter to renew myself.
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