The Righteous Bride Will Not Quench the Spirit, Intro - Ministry Videos


he Bride’s Heart is The

Champion of Righteousness

The Bride is a champion of righteousness, she goes against the grain of the prevalent sins of the church. If you have grown weary with the games, if you are longing to be free of worldly attitudes that have in the past ruled you, and you’ve begged the Lord to set you free from these sins, I believe that you are going to be raptured.

You may not be perfect…yet. But you have committed your way and longed for purity and He has seen your captivity and is responding by untangling the fetters from your thinking.

What is considered acceptable behavior, thinking, and reasoning in the Body of Christ at large, may have seriously poisoned you from the inside out, and now there are spots, wrinkles and holes in your bridal garment. But the good news is that in your deep repentance the Lord’s mercy is making you worthy to be taken as His very own Bride.

Pure and Lovely, you have chosen the better part and He will not leave you to the wrath of God. He sees your heart, he feels your tears, in fact He cries with you, He sees your efforts, even in your confusion as you go against the undercurrent of worldliness in the church, that all around you applaud.

And He is your Savior, He’s coming to get you. Don’t be afraid. But commit a portion of time to this series on the Purity of the Bride, to be sure you have found all the shadows in your heart.

I ask you to commit to the series because there is still much confusion in the Body as to what is pleasing in the Lord’s sight. Some things like gossip, are obvious. Other things like avoiding intimacy with Him because you feel unworthy are not so obvious, yet they may disqualify you from being raptured.

He is so merciful, but mercy is running out and wrath is waiting at the door. Please, please cleanse your heart now. He weeps for those who will not take the time to respond, they are still caught up

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