Little Boy Rushes On Stage With The Pope - Cute Videos


It’s not every day that someone can steal the show from the pope. But, that’s exactly what happened during a recent Vatican ceremony. Pope Francis couldn’t help but laugh when a young boy ran onto the stage during the middle of the ceremony. He immediately rushed to the Swiss guard and started to tug on his uniform, as if to see if he was real.

During the ordeal, the professional guard didn’t move a muscle. The little boy proceeded to run around the pope and even roll around on the floor some. In order to get to that point, this curious kid had to maneuver past security and climb the stairs just to get on the stage. But after watching this kid in action, it is obvious that nothing was going to hold him back.

His mother went on stage to retrieve the boy and told Pope Francis that her son is hearing impaired and doesn’t speak. The pope took it all in good stride and even said that the little boy was free to play around the large stage.

Later, another child joined the boy on stage and tried to convince him to come down to no avail. This was definitely an unexpected moment and not everyone would’ve reacted in such a lighthearted way.

I’m so glad that Pope Francis was able to find the humor in the situation and understand that sometimes kids will be kids. They definitely have a way of keeping us on our toes. Don’t you agree?

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