Lysa Terkeurst On How To Handle Disappointment - Inspirational Videos


Lysa Terkeurst is a NY Times bestselling author and is president of Proverbs 31 Ministries. Focusing on how to encourage women, Lysa speaks at multiple events across North America each year. /////// We all experience the highs and lows of life. Sometimes our plans do not meet up with what actually happens in life. In those moments, we are often hit with disappointment. But how should we handle that feeling?

“It’s really important for us to tackle our disappointments, talk about them, and figure out what do we do with them?” Lysa goes on to explain that in the moments of disappointment we can find ourselves the most vulnerable. “The enemy knows when he can isolate us, he can influence us.”

Everyone experiences disappointment in life. Taking the time to work through it is key. Understanding that sitting on the other side of disappointment is Hope. When we are at our weakest, that is when God is able to do the greatest move in our lives. According to Lysa these times are often when we experience the greatest “revelation about out who [God] is and who we are to Him” Placing our trust in God and allowing Him to move will help us to shift through that disappointment and into the joy that He desires for us.

“Our God is good and our God is good at being God!”

There is no question that we are loved by the Father and that He has great plans for our lives. When we experience low times, we should turn to Him and let Him lead our steps and be our strength!

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