Jesucristp-The Shadow of Death - Christian Music Videos


s a video-art about dance and coreography. Based in a picture a dancer create representative performance, increasing the beauty. Named "Jesucristo"

Im a Marketing, press and audiovisual producer.I´ve been working since 2001 in content creations, editorial, internet, 3D, pictures, illustrations, audivisual productions... Desire of creating positive and humanities audiovisual productions that expand the love, sensitive of humour and good relationships based in positive values. Thats why i need finance help to develope the structure that can help to create and distribuye next productions. What We Need & What You Get We need people to support economic area, contibutors will manage support and the facility to create a better world that means the diffusion of values, ideas, human positive behaviors. $9500 funding needed going to develope audivisual production infrastructure and permanent activity, based on the raised ideas. if we don’t reach our entire goal, we will try to do what we prune recording low cost productions with the earned money and triying to obtein finantials other way . The Impact We are distributing our productions in international campaign and summons. They will know it all over the world, at least we are trying to create a better world and peace and love through all over the world¡. Just help us, contributing or at least don´t forget to get the word out and make some noise about your campaign.

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