Her Many Hats

Her Many Hats

Emma Danzey

Episode 27: Unity as a Witness

April 12, 2022   ●   15 min

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Bible Focus: John 13:35 says, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

1. Everyone will Know

When Jesus says everyone, He means all people. The Greek word found in John 13:35 is "pantes" which means all or for all. Part of wearing the hat of unity means that as Christ-followers, we are not inclusive to only love one type of person or a certain group of people. Unity means inclusivity.

2 My disciples

As we think about Jesus saying, “My disciples,” it leads us to think about the personal relationship that He has with those who follow Him. This causes us to ask the question, “Are we living in a way that honors Him?” Am I living like a disciple of Jesus? It is one thing to say I believe in Christ, but out of a true understanding and genuine faith, will my life choices reveal my commitment to Him.

3. If you love one another.
Loving one another helps others to see Christ. This is convicting because the body of Christ, myself included, has not loved one another perfectly, or even well.

Call to Action:
1. What is one area of your life that you are causing disunity in and how can you turn to the Holy Spirit for help to better represent Jesus?
2. How are you welcoming people who are different from you into the body of Christ?
3. How have you been fearful of Christ-centered unity because of the way the world defined unity?

Follow Emma: https://emmadanzey.wordpress.com/

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