cbe2009's Uploads

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  • The Emerging ChurchThe Emerging Church
    WE hear much about the emerging church. But pinning down its beliefs and goals can be challenging indeed. What is the movement emerging from and where could it be headed? How influential is the emerging church? Participants, observers, and critics...cbe20092009-03-21T00:00:007,199 views01:28:20
  • Does the God of Christianity exist, and what difference does it make? A DebateDoes the God of Christianity exist, and what difference does it make? A Debate
    The New Atheists usually make two charges against Christianity: (1) that it is untrue and (2) that it is harmful. A panel of Christian apologetics experts responds to an atheist critic with evidence from Scripture, science and, history about why f...cbe20092009-03-21T00:00:0040,971 views01:59:57
  • Living Christianly in a Post-Christian CultureLiving Christianly in a Post-Christian Culture
    A Christian consensus could once be pretty much assumed for Western culture, even if many people didn't possess personal faith. That is no longer true. Christianity is today viewed as one of many spiritual options âï&Acir...cbe20092009-03-20T00:00:003,760 views01:31:46
  • What is the Gospel?What is the Gospel?
    Our Post-Christian culture loves spirituality but can be suspicious or ignorant of the historic-Christian faith. We prefer a do-it-yourself spirituality and a Jesus of our choosing to the good news offered in Scripture. Is there one gospel, or are...cbe20092009-03-20T00:00:003,639 views01:25:13
  • A Guided Tour of Heaven and HellA Guided Tour of Heaven and Hell
    Polls show that more Americans believe in heaven than in hell. The Bible, however, tells us that both are real destinations. What are heaven and hell like, and how do we enter one and avoid the other? Author experts examine the afterlife from past...cbe20092009-03-20T00:00:006,730 views01:31:46