The Pearl

The Pearl

The Pearl:

The Pearl has been use to comfort the suffering, encourage those who have lost loved ones, it has brought hope and joy to many here and abroad, by echoing the voice of a loving creator that boldly proclaims the worth of mankind to Himself.

The Pearl seems to lift and encourages most everyone who reads it, while the message it conveys has the power to bring hope and joy in a way that seems timeless.

The Pearls' History:

While Pastoring a small church in the late nineties, at about 3:15 a.m. in a semi-conscious state, I heard the words of this poem wafting up from my spirit into my mind. I said O Lord that is beautiful, I'll write them down when I wake up later this morning. I heard you won't remember it, realizing the real possibility of this and the beauty of the verses that most likely would be lost, I roused myself, went to my desk, turned on the light and began to write the Pearl.

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