"No looking back"

During World War I, Oswald Chambers came to a crossroads. Should he continue to oversee the Bible Training College he had started, or go where God was leading, to serve and minister among the British troops in Egypt? The man whose teachings and insights are found in My Utmost for His Highest chose to follow God. He wrote, "I give it up because I believe I do so in answer to Thy call." Oswald Chambers never looked back. He went and selflessly served God for 2 years in Egypt, until a ruptured appendix led to his death at age 43.

Jesus was in Galilee when He made a "no looking back" decision to make the 3-day journey to Jerusalem. He "resolutely set out" for the city (Luke 9:51), knowing that opposition from Samaritans (who were hostile to the Jews) would make for a thorny trek to Jerusalem, the city where He would ultimately be crucified on a cross. His mission to provide salvation for all who would believe in Him had to be accomplished (Romans 3:25-26).

As He made His way along the dusty roads, Jesus called out to a man, "Come, follow Me" (Luke 9:59). He says the same thing to you and me today. The decision to follow Him is the most important decision we will make, for it leads to eternal life. Without His salvation, we're destined to eternal suffering in hell (Matthew 10:28). When we follow Jesus, we experience "a rich and satisfying life" in Him (John 10:10). But it is also a life, like Jesus' own experience on earth, that will likely be filled with opposition and great difficulty.

Jesus said that a person must leave it all behind to follow Him. "Anyone who puts a hand to the plow and then looks back is not fit for the kingdom of God" (Luke 9:62). Let's follow Him today and not look back. , Tom Felten, Our Daily Journey

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