Cauliflower Ear for Your SPIRIT - Inspirational Videos

What If you applied Martial Arts rankings to your level of competence in relation to your Vocation/Profession? What belt would you be? Blue, brown? Maybe your at the top of your profession? Maybe you’re a Black Belt!

Why not be a Black Belt for God? The most rare of all Black Belts. If you know one, comment their name in the comment box or tell us what your standard of a Black Belt for Almighty God might be.

Being a BJJ Black Belt myself I will go by the BJJ ranking system, which I believe is arguably the strictest of all Martial Art rankings. The Black Belt typically takes over ten years to earn. Making it truly one of the hardest to obtain.

A BLACK BELT FOR GOD THOUGH? I feel this would take a lifetime to achieve.

A very very good or even great pastor, is only a Purple Belt in my humble opinion








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