Triplets Sing Worship Song 'He Saw It All' - Christian Music Videos


Check out these talented triplets singing a cover of the song titled ‘He Saw It All.’

“I was trying to catch the crippled man, did he run past this way?

He was rushing home to tell everyone what Jesus did today

And the mute man was telling myself and the deaf girl, He’s leaving to answer God’s call

It’s hard to believe but if you don’t trust me, ask the blind man, he saw it all

Go ask the blind man, he saw it all”

What a wonderful performance of this song originally by The Booth Brothers. These talented sisters are known as the Foster Triplets, and this video shows off their amazing vocals and lovely harmonies.

“Our God loves to move in miraculous and unique ways,” writes the Foster Triplets in the caption of this YouTube video. “If we lack faith, we leave Him no room to do amazing and extraordinary things. Trust Him and watch Him transform your life and the lives of those around you.”

These sisters share their passion and mission for their music on their YouTube page. “We are a set of triplets who believe in upholding and encouraging good morals through our music, speech, and everyday experiences,” write the Foster Triplets. “As we share our joys, challenges, disappointments, and victories, it is our desire to encourage, inspire, educate, and brighten the lives of all we interface with… ultimately extending to them the everlasting hope.”

God bless these girls and their beautiful ministry! Their voices are truly heavenly, and they bring smiles and joy to all those that listen to them sing. We hope that you enjoyed listening to the Foster Triplets sing ‘He Saw It All’ today!

Jeremiah 17:14

"Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise."

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