Door Dash Driver Rescues Toddler Wandering Freezing Cold Street - Inspirational Videos


One Door Dash driver rescues a toddler wandering around in the freezing cold in the middle of the street. Thank goodness he was there to save the day!

Robert Jackson III was doing a food delivery for Door Dash when he spotted a little boy in the middle of the street as he drove down 8 Mile Road in Detroit. The temperature outside was near freezing and the toddler only had a diaper on.

“Does anybody know this child? He doesn’t have any clothes on, no shoes,” said Robert when he shared a video of the kid online in hope of finding where the child belonged.

Robert picked up the young kid and wrapped him in his jacket and put him in his car to warm up. He said that the boy’s hands, lips, and fingers were all purple from being out in the cold.

“There’s no telling how long this little baby has been out in this cold weather,” Robert said in his video.

While waiting for the cops to arrive, Robert comforted the little boy and made sure that he was staying warm. In an interview, Robert shared about when he first saw the little one wandering in the middle of the cold street.

“As I approached, I said, ‘That’s a baby! That’s a kid!’ When I picked him up, he was stiff,” he said. “He was so young, he wasn’t talking.”

Authorities were able to find out that the 2-year-old boy had wandered out of the house when his 16-year-old sibling was babysitting him. Thank goodness Robert was there when he was to get the little boy to safety!

“I was blessed to be at the right place at the right time to save a child,” he shared as he wiped a tear away from his eye.  

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