10 Most Respected TV Moms Of All Time

Motherhood is such an important role, heralded by the Scriptures on numerous occasions. There is something holy about bearing children and raising them up in a respectful, godly way. It’s a difficult task, but there is none so rewarding. The following is a list of the top ten most respected TV moms of all time.

10. Teri Bauer

Although annoying at times as a character, Teri Bauer is definitely worthy of being a respected TV mom. In season one of 24, she faced difficult circumstances during a terroristic plot, mainly because she was concerned about protecting her daughter (who was also in the midst of everything). In one horrific scene where she was being held captive by terrorists with her daughter, she decided she would protect her daughter, Kim, no matter what. That promise was put to the test once one of the captors wanted to rape Kim; Teri bargained with the man, and willingly gave herself to him, to ensure he would not go near her daughter. It’s a sick thing that happened, but it’s incredibly loving and brave that she would go through that trauma for her daughter.

9. Clair Huxtable

As the mother on The Cosby Show, Clair made her way as a respectable, working mother. Despite being a busy attorney, she always found time to lecture her children and instill positive values in them. From money topics to relationships, Clair always had valuable lessons for her children.

8. Harriette Winslow

The word that comes to mind to describe Harriette is: supportive. She supports her husband and children in many ways, even putting up with Steve Urkel! At times, Carl can be quite a handful of a husband, complaining about vacations or other small things, yet Harriette loves him and is a good example of a supportive wife.

7. Tami Taylor

In Friday Night Lights, Tami Taylor was always busy. She was the football coach’s wife, mother of two girls, and the principal of a High School! Yet, she was very people oriented and would never dismiss a teachable moment in order to get things crossed off her to-do-list. She is smart, compassionate, loving, and extremely supportive.

6. Laura Petrie

As a symbol of the stay-at-home-mom on The Dick Van Dyke Show, Laurie did all the jobs that all stay-at-home-moms are familiar with: cooking, cleaning, laundry, raising the children, and still trying to find time to make the husband happy. Often times, she spent her time comforting her stressed out husband, without wanting anything in return.

5. Donna Stone

Making feminists scream is Donna Stone of The Donna Reed Show. In addition to being a housewife, she was a nurse and community organizer. Oddly enough for the time period, there was quite a bit of romance between Donna Stone and her husband. They are often seen kissing each other, dancing, holding each other, or just being close to one another. It’s refreshing to see a loving relationship like that, which easily places Donna Stone on the list of top tv moms!

4. Debra Barone

Debra Barone, of Everybody Loves Raymond, definitely had her quirks and mishaps, but she was very loyal to her husband and children. When Raymond and Debra would argue, though she would be mad, there was always a time of reconciliation. In today’s culture, Debra would have filed for divorce a long time ago. Yet, she understood that relationships aren’t always going to be on cloud 9—sometimes they are in the depths of mucky water. In knowing that, Debra was always willing to work through problems and stay committed to her husband.

3. June Cleaver

One of the iconic TV moms, June Cleaver loved her family and took care of them very well. Interestingly, June even taught Beaver that women are just as ambitious as men and can be very smart in their professions. In addition to teaching Beaver some great values, such as education, she was always kind and encouraging.

2. Lorelai Gilmore

Although sometimes imbalanced towards her daughter, being more friend than parent, Lorelai of The Gilmore Girls, had a huge heart for her daughter and would do anything for her. Throughout the show it’s clear that they are best friends, and oddly enough, her daughter really enjoys spending time with her!

1. Carol Brady

Handling the entire Brady Bunch is a big deal, yet Carol succeeded at her role. Taking in step-children is hard enough, but when there are three step-sons and three daughters thrown into the mix, the job becomes almost impossible. Despite the odds, Carol does a great job at raising the kids, being there for them, and helping them all navigate the new family structure.

Resources- Youtube, photo credit: adactio via photopin cc

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