FATHER - PLEASE LET MY MOTHER LIVE: The ALICE CLOUD Testimony - Pt 1 of 4 - Ministry Videos


ALICE CLOUD grew up poor, as many Native Americans have, but her poverty and her difficulty of being accepted by those who are not Native Americans was not what troubled her the most. The constant beatings her father gave her mother, including her siblings, is what brought on her greatest pain.

Alice was taught truths from the Holy Bible at a young age. She heard about heaven and hell when she was in church, but her hatred for her dad became so consuming that she began to not only turn away from God, but actually turned to Satan and began to worship him, hoping that he would grant her hearts desire, which was to see her father dead so he could not beat her mother any more.

It was only when God gave Alice a shocking dream about her going to hell and being tormented there, and THEN a clear warning from God that the hell she dreamed about was a REAL PLACE; it was only THEN that she told God she was truly sorry for turning away from Him and worshipping Satan.

If you have questions about HELL, you are highly encouraged to watch Alices full-length testimony. No amount of anger and hate and revenge, nor lust for power and money, is worth risking missing heaven, and ending up spending eternity in HELL.

You can hear and read other testimonies such as this by going to the website of: WWW.PRECIOUS-TESTIMONIES.COM

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