'Only One Worthy' Jesus Culture And Chris Quilala Live Video - Christian Music Videos


Listen to ‘Only One Worthy’ by Jesus Culture and Christ Quilala in this beautiful live worship video. I love being saturated in the Lord’s presence. 

Most often, I find him in the midst of worship. It doesn’t matter if I’m at home, in the office, or in my car. There is something about calling upon the Lord in worship that refreshes the soul. Today’s worship video is no exception. Chris’ voice, accompanied by the Jesus Culture band, plunges us into the glorious depths of praising God. 

“The first chords and words of the song capture your heart and posture it to sing just Christ is worthy. 
Behold the risen Son of God, Who's face outshines a thousand suns.
With righteousness, He reigns in majesty a hundred years are not enough.
To scratch the surface of His love. Thank God we have eternity to sing.”

If God’s love were an ocean, we would know no bounds. His unconditional love is so deep for us it’s incomprehensible to us. The very idea of his love makes me hunger to get to know him more. I wonder if I will spend a lifetime unraveling all the facets of our mighty heavenly father. 

God alone is worthy of all our praise because he is our Creator and Savior. We owe every breath to the One who has made us, and we have a new life, purchased by the blood of Christ because he gave his life for our own.

If you need a refreshing moment with God today, let this beautiful worship song usher you into his presence. May it uplift your soul and keep your faith steadfast. Lift up your voice and praise him!

“The Lord is God in heaven above and on the earth below. There is no other. Keep his decrees and commands . . . so that it may go well with you. . . “ Deuteronomy 4:39-40.

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