Couple Married 60 Years Reunite After 215 Days Apart - Inspirational Videos


A couple married 60 years reunite after 215 days apart, and their reunion is pure joy. Distance makes the heart grow fonder. Lovers hear this when something unfortunate happens taking the two people apart. Whether or not they will come back together is a mystery. Sometimes even married couples face this dilemma. What brought these two lovers apart? An argument? A family situation? None of the above. The culprit was one that is all too common these days--the coronavirus pandemic. At this point everyone has felt their own impact from the pandemic. For this particular couple, their desire to be with one another was put on hold for a very long time. Joseph and Eve Loreth are residents of the same assisted living facility in Brandon, Florida. They reside at the Rosecastle at Delaney Creek Assisted Living Facility. Despite living in the same building, due to health risks they were quarantined from one another for seven months. No married couple ever imagines being forced to spend even a single day from their companion, much less the better part of a year. Back in March, the couple was first separated from one another. Joseph underwent a significant surgery and rehabilitation that followed. With his health issues, the two lovers were not allowed to occupy the same room, not until he recovered. For 215 days they could not reestablish physical contact with one another. For a couple, lacking physicality can be hard. When that couple has been married 60 years, the loss of touch, which was once innate, cannot go unfelt. But in October, there was a turn of events for Joseph and Eve. A caretaker wheeled Joseph into a dining room where his wife completed a worksheet, initially unaware of his presence. When the camerawoman approached Eve she said, “Look, who is it.” Eve looked up curiously before peering over at her husband. Joseph’s eyes clenched so tightly with joy. “Oh my God!” Eve said rising slowly from the table. The two hugged one another and created a moment both to admire and appreciate. “I missed you,” she told her husband after a kiss to the forehead. “Oh, you’re alright. I love you so much,” he responded. The two lovebirds retold the story of how they met in high school during a visit to a skating rink. “She started chasing me around and she never quit,” he admitted. Eve smiled. Their love continues today. This time she waited on him to come to her. Not even sickness could prevent these two from rekindling their love. The coronavirus pandemic, the lockdowns, the political upheaval, have all put a strain on relationships. If you have experienced recent grief over the loss of a relationship, or the loss of something within your relationship, take heart. God has better plans in store for us. God is to be trusted, because he cares for us. When he brings you, or myself, a suitable match, or a renewal in your relationship, you will have a love that will withstand any attack from the enemy. Scripture says as much. But we have to put our faith in God. “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.” (Isaiah 54:17)

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