A Tribute to the Andy Griffith Show

A Tribute to the Andy Griffith Show

In this segment, I pay tribute to one of the great television shows of all-time, the Andy Griffith Show. One of the reasons that this show resonates with so many of us today, so many years after it aired, is because it teaches us some of the same life lessons that God and the Bible are trying to teach us. For those interested in the book, please follow this link: https://www.amazon.com/Ninety-Sixth-Thesis-Losing-Church-Finding-ebook/dp/B08N6QX67L/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1XJNTRE9PW3GZ&dchild=1&keywords=the+ninety+sixth+thesis&qid=1626971327&sprefix=ninety+sixth+%2Caps%2C162&sr=8-2

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