God is Always SpeakingProphetic Voice of God - Lana Vawer with Sid Roth's It's Supernatural!

God is Always SpeakingProphetic Voice of God - Lana Vawer with Sid Roth's It's Supernatural!

Lana Vower from Australia has heard from God. God is speaking directly. Sometimes, God is speaking through repetition, signs, object, numbers. She also had a dream about the President Trump. After Trump, he saw "Triumph". Lana Vawser is a pursuer of God’s heart and a prophetic voice to the nations. Her desire is to see people develop deep intimacy with Jesus and activate their prophetic hearing. Lana and her husband Kevin live in Queensland, Australia. She saw the vision that Jesus was whipping.

Get your copy of The Prophetic Voice of God by Lana Vawser: http://bit.ly/2Vji2Ps

This video is from Sid Roth's Supernatural!

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