How to Overcome Temptation, Part 109 (Anger and Wrath) (Onward Christian Soldiers #233)

How to Overcome Temptation, Part 109 (Anger and Wrath) (Onward Christian Soldiers #233)

TEXT: Matthew 5:21-26

In these verses, Jesus gives us another example of how we should relate to our fellow man. In short, He does not want us to be adversarial. He does not want us to be the type of people who always have to prove a point, who always have to have the last word in the argument. In life, it is a given that we will have adversaries, enemies, or opponents, but we ought not to relish that kind of interaction. We ought to do as Paul said, and, as much as we are able, be at peace with all men. That is what Jesus is talking about here.

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