The Only Way To Heaven - KLPTV.ORG

The Only Way To Heaven - KLPTV.ORG

How Many Doors? Around 57% of self-described evangelicals believe that many religions lead to heaven. But is that what God says?

Jesus was not a prophet only, but God. He proclaimed, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but by me." John 14:6

Let no one deceive you, the narrow door and way to heaven offered by God to all people, in all places, through all cultures, in all time is the narrow door and road that Jesus Christ has offered. This is straight talk for narrow road followers of Jesus.

For more answers go straight to the Book, the Bible. Thank you for watching Straight Talk for Narrow Road Followers of Jesus. If these messages have been a help to you, please pass them on to others through email, facebook and twitter.

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