He Stands There in His Splendour Regal - Scored and Bleeding to the Crown

He Stands There in His Splendour Regal - Scored and Bleeding to the Crown

One of the best songs in the Ballad of the Via Dolorosa.

Sheet music available on Google Drive at: #Pr1j4t3lj3&&Godtube#
Sheet music of the other songs available at https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0Bx7k27jW0Yv-QS1mVEx5UXRMaVU&usp=sharing

Next song: "Show Us!" The English translation is co-ordinated with the Norwegian original so those who wish to try out the musical for themselves can have an idea of how it would sound. However, a musical from thirty years ago needs to be treated as raw material, not a forever fossilized memory.
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