Forgive Them - Just Watch And Read

Forgive Them -  Just Watch And Read

My name is Rich Wilkins and this is one of the mind renewal program videos I have made to win back our minds for the Lord. The bible has instructed us to renew our mind according to the word. So for the last couple decades I have studied mind renewal and what it takes to make lasting changes. What I have found is victory in our thought life is something that must be maintained. It's not something we just get once and then have it. The bible says faith comes by hearing…. And the enemy comes instantly to steal the word. So mind renewal, when we make it a daily part of our life, can materialize the inheritance that was purchased for us by Jesus our Champion. I encourage you to watch this mind renewal program video, read through the words on the screen out loud 2 or 3 times and you will feel the deep rooted changes taking place. Be blessed and I pray for victory in every area of your life.

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