Woman in Her 90s Shows Incredible Strength and Commitment in the Weight Room
A woman in her 90s has shown incredible strength, commitment and improvement in the weight room.
Everyone wants to live a long and healthy life. That’s a statement that is sure to get nearly universal agreement. Who in their right mind would want to experience a short, miserable life full of sickness and disease?
Of course, there are things we can do to increase our chances of achieving a long, healthy and happy life. While our bodies do waste away and deteriorate over time, we can still protect and care for them in multiple ways. One of them is to get a proper amount of sleep every night. It’s hard to function correctly and at maximum capacity without rest. Also, we can eat healthy (a problem for some) and get plenty of exercise (another problem for people).
Age plays a significant role in how physically active we can be. However, 97-year-old Merce Hershey is not letting her age stop her from getting into the gym.
According to the video posted on YouTube, Merce has demonstrated commitment and incredible improvement in the weight room. Since she joined the gym, the amount of weight Merce can lift has improved significantly. The video points out that the weight she lifts doing the overhead press has quadrupled, and her deadlift weight amount has gone from 11 to 65 pounds.
Oh, and Merce does all of this while using a walker and having fractures in her back.
“I really think almost anybody can do it if they really wanted to do it,” she said. “They might not if they have a broken arm or leg. They might not be able to. But I really think over here, they could help anybody.”
Merce has been going to the gym consistently for over two years.
What an incredible and inspiring woman!
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 “Or are you not conscious that your body is a house for the Holy Spirit, which is in you, and which has been given to you by God and you are not the owners of yourselves; for a payment has been made for you: let God be honored in your body.”
Woman in Her 90s Shows Incredible Strength and Commitment in the Weight Room
A woman in her 90s has shown incredible strength, commitment and improvement in the weight room.
Everyone wants to live a long and healthy life. That’s a statement that is sure to get nearly universal agreement. Who in their right mind would want to experience a short, miserable life full of sickness and disease?
Of course, there are things we can do to increase our chances of achieving a long, healthy and happy life. While our bodies do waste away and deteriorate over time, we can still protect and care for them in multiple ways. One of them is to get a proper amount of sleep every night. It’s hard to function correctly and at maximum capacity without rest. Also, we can eat healthy (a problem for some) and get plenty of exercise (another problem for people).
Age plays a significant role in how physically active we can be. However, 97-year-old Merce Hershey is not letting her age stop her from getting into the gym.
According to the video posted on YouTube, Merce has demonstrated commitment and incredible improvement in the weight room. Since she joined the gym, the amount of weight Merce can lift has improved significantly. The video points out that the weight she lifts doing the overhead press has quadrupled, and her deadlift weight amount has gone from 11 to 65 pounds.
Oh, and Merce does all of this while using a walker and having fractures in her back.
“I really think almost anybody can do it if they really wanted to do it,” she said. “They might not if they have a broken arm or leg. They might not be able to. But I really think over here, they could help anybody.”
Merce has been going to the gym consistently for over two years.
What an incredible and inspiring woman!
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 “Or are you not conscious that your body is a house for the Holy Spirit, which is in you, and which has been given to you by God and you are not the owners of yourselves; for a payment has been made for you: let God be honored in your body.”
Today's Devotional
A Prayer to Trust God’s Timing during a Long Season of Waiting - Your Daily Prayer - February 12
If only we could take a peek into eternity and see all the blessings that are to come from every prayer, promise, and planted seed scattered through our lives too. But on this side of heaven, we just won’t. What we do have is stories in the scriptures of purposeful waiting and beautiful redemption
Today's Devotional
A Prayer to Trust God’s Timing during a Long Season of Waiting - Your Daily Prayer - February 12
If only we could take a peek into eternity and see all the blessings that are to come from every prayer, promise, and planted seed scattered through our lives too. But on this side of heaven, we just won’t. What we do have is stories in the scriptures of purposeful waiting and beautiful redemption
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