Stunning A Cappella Rendition of 'Jesus, Name Above All Names'

One man turned in a stunning and captivating a cappella rendition of the beloved hymn “Jesus, Name Above All Names.” It’s a charming musical performance; it’s likely to be one that you will return to repeatedly. Be sure to watch and listen to this clip.

Everyone is an individual, and so everyone has been blessed with a particular set of skills and abilities. Of course, not everyone will be blessed in the same areas and fields. Those gifts and talents are unique to each person and intended to bring glory and honor to His name.

For instance, someone skilled musically would sing or play an instrument to perform a hymn or a gospel song for all to hear. That makes sense, right? Even those who aren’t great singers can still join in and sing a song of praise and worship. However, depending on your skill level and lack of musical talent, it may be best to sing only when alone (No judgment if this describes you; I firmly belong in this category).

A clip posted on YouTube showcases one young man using his incredible musical talent to praise, worship and honor the Lord. He performs the classic hymn “Jesus, Name Above All Names” without the accompaniment of instruments. Instead, using only the power and beauty of his voice, he sings out about the wonderful, powerful and mighty name of Jesus.

“Jesus, name above all names

Beautiful Savior, glorious Lord

Emmanuel, God is with us

Blessed Redeemer, Living Word”

Yes, it’s only about a minute long, but it’s a video and performance that perfectly captures the beauty of those lyrics. No matter how old that hymn is, that tune will never become irrelevant. Jesus is the name above all names. Without Him and His sacrifice on the cross, none of us would have a chance, a hope or a future.

John 1:14 “And the Word became flesh and took a place among us for a time; and we saw his glory—such glory as is given to an only song by his father—saw it to be true and full of grace.”


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Today's Devotional

A Prayer to Overcome Paralyzing Fear - Your Daily Prayer - February 7

No matter what our fear may be, God is still stronger and more powerful than any circumstance. Choose to give all your fear over to God today.

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