Stunningly Beautiful 'Amazing Grace' A Cappella Cover

Four incredibly gifted vocalists turned in a stunningly beautiful a cappella cover of 'Amazing Grace.' 'Amazing Grace' is without a doubt the most beloved, well-known hymn of all time, and this rendition is absolutely outstanding. You’ll want to watch and listen to this clip repeatedly.

Hymns are some of the most beautiful pieces of music. Unfortunately, they are also some of the most underutilized, with many places of worship moving away from them. Despite being hundreds of years old in some cases, they are still as relevant today as they were when they were first penned. Those tunes remain powerful, still moving people to tears even if they’ve heard a particular hymn hundreds of times.

Even if people and churches were to abandon hymns completely (I hope that never happens), one hymn would remain. 'Amazing Grace' is a universally beloved, thoroughly covered and played hymn, often bringing many people to tears before its first verse is over. 

In a clip posted on YouTube, four singers show off their immense musical talent with a stunning cover of 'Amazing Grace.' All four individuals sing with so much emotion, perfectly capturing the power and meaning of those lyrics. It’s a lovely and dazzling performance.

'Amazing grace, how sweet the sound

That saved a wretch like me

I once was lost, but now am found

Was blind, but now I see'

'Amazing Grace' remains so popular and is still a popular target for the cover treatment because of its powerful and impactful lyrics. Those words accurately describe a situation in which all followers of Christ have found themselves at one time or another. We’re all the beneficiaries of God’s amazing grace. We were all lost at one time or another, but because of His love and mercy, we’ve been forgiven.

Ephesians 2:8 “Because by grace you have salvation through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is given by God.”



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A Prayer to Help Us through the Cold, Dark Nights of Winter - Your Daily Prayer - February 16

So how do we escape the darkness when feeling low? The following are five ways to chase it away.

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