Actual Cat Burglar Caught in the Act and Returns to Scene for More Loot

An actual cat burglar was caught in the act and returned to the scene for more loot. One cat knew precisely where to go to fulfill its craving for food. The bold criminal then came right back to the scene and even brought help, hoping to increase the size of its ill-gotten gains.

Cats are sweet, adorable and lovable creatures. When they find someone they love and appreciate, they will purr loudly when that individual gives them a nice scratch on the head or a soft, much-deserved rub on the back. They really do make for good pets, providing their owner with love and companionship.

However, there is another side to felines. Yes, they are lovable and playful but they can also be annoyingly stubborn and wildly mischievous. Cats have a knack for getting into places and doing things for which there is no reason or explanation. No matter how much you tell them otherwise to stop doing that specific activity, cats will likely continue it without regard for your wishes or requests.

A video posted on social media perfectly captures the mischievous nature of our feline friends. It’s a short clip that will likely have you both amazed and laughing hysterically at this cat’s illegal activities.

In the video, loud, overly dramatic music plays as the feline innocently and inconspicuously enters what appears to be a grocery or convenience store. Without wasting a single movement, the cat goes right toward the object of its desire. The cat walks right up to a large can resting on the floor and quickly withdraws a thick, hearty meat stick - possibly a hot dog or a sausage of some kind.

Seconds later, the animal firmly secures the meat stick in its mouth and then vacates the premises quickly. It leaves no trace of its presence or the crime it just committed.

However, as criminals often do, the cat returns to the scene. This time, the cat has help in the form of another cat, a buddy, following closely behind. This time, though, the illegal transaction is not nearly as smooth.

Proverbs 12:10 “An upright man has thought for the life of his beast, but the hearts of evildoers are cruel.”

Source: catview10

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A Prayer to Impact Those in Your Sphere of Influence - Your Daily Prayer - February 8

All of us influence others, whether we realize it or not, especially younger people

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