Powerful and Inspired Cover of 'The Solid Rock' Hymn

You don’t want to miss this moving moment of worship. In this video there is a powerful and inspired cover of ‘The Solid Rock’ hymn. We get a glimpse of a service with Phil Webb at Grace Community Church. People of all ages are joined together and celebrating the strength of our Savior, who holds us in the midst of uncertainty. In a sinful world, we are reminded that Jesus is the Rock that we can and should stand on. 

Phil conducts and sings in worshipful praise. He is convicted, joyful, and motivating as a leader. The background vocalists and the stunning orchestra and band accompany him with their instruments. It is truly a moment where we are invited in to sing this timeless hymn. You cannot help but feel uplifted and be reminded of this rich Biblical truth of our strong and unchanging Savior.

We hear the chorus as they sing out:

‘On Christ the solid rock I stand

All other ground is sinking sand’

As we see this beautiful congregation of believers in Jesus declaring His name, it encourages us at home to join in on the song. May we be motivated to lean on Him no matter what the storms are in this life. As we listen to the beautiful melody and hear the instrumentation performed by this excellent band, may our souls rest in the assurance of what we are singing.

Phil and the band all wrap up the song with a stunning ending. It is powerful, and the audience is truly the choir that Phil is directing as they all are praising the Lord together for His glory.

“Therefore, everyone who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.”  Matthew 7:24

Source: Hymns of Grace

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer to Help Us through the Cold, Dark Nights of Winter - Your Daily Prayer - February 16

So how do we escape the darkness when feeling low? The following are five ways to chase it away.

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