Young Man’s Hilariously Honest Recap of His Day at School Will Have You in Stitches

Jack of the South, a young man’s hilariously honest recap of his school day, will have you in stitches. This sweet little boy is taking the internet by storm with his honest recap of a typical day at school leaving viewers in stitches with his comedic storytelling. They always say the funniest things come out of the mouth of babes and we couldn’t agree more. 

With a unique blend of an old man’s soul, a southern accent, and being five years old, Jack feels like he’s a little old for his age to be going to school. His mama asked him the age-old question of what he learned at school. His commentary will leave you giggling. 

Sitting in the back seat with his siblings on both sides of him, Jack looks quite unimpressed about being picked up from school. He seems even less thrilled when his mom asks what he learned, but what happens next will get a giggle out of you. 

He replies to his mama, “Not really nothing.” We will let the double negative go for that sentence. After all, he’s just a wee thing. His mama replied, “They didn’t teach you nothing?” 

“Not really much but letters. We learned it at the very end of the day, though.” Before adding, “And I have a surprise for you from school.” 

His mom is curious and asks the question we’re all asking ourselves: What’s the surprise? “I didn’t take a nap,” he giggles. He then says,  “We laid down for two minutes. Again, two minutes. We just did two minutes, and we were wide awake!” 

But that’s not the best part. His little sister can’t help but join the conversation, and she has something positive to say about school. She commented, “I like my new teacher.” And Jack couldn’t help but say with a dry tone, “Well, that’s not learning.” 

Oh my! I bet that last comment has you in stitches as well as the rest of the community on the internet. We hope little Jack of the South and his delightful, dry wit and honesty brightened your day. His knack for storytelling reminds us that laughter is the best way to cope with life’s challenges, even if you don’t sleep a wink at nap time. 

Matthew 21:16 "“Do you hear what these children are saying?” they asked him. “Yes,” replied Jesus, “have you never read, ‘From the lips of children and infants, you, Lord, have called forth your praise’?"


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A Prayer to Impact Those in Your Sphere of Influence - Your Daily Prayer - February 8

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