3 Doors Down Lead Singer Opens Up About Spreading Message of Christ's Love at Concerts

Brad Arnold, the lead singer of the rock band 3 Doors Down, has opened up about sharing Christ’s love on stage with concertgoers. Musicians have a powerful platform, and Brad uses his position to let concert attendees know that Christ loves them. Watch this clip!

When people purchase a concert ticket, especially for a mainstream, secular rock band like 3 Doors Down, they expect to hear them play their biggest hits. That’s precisely what most bands do. Sure, they may not play every single one of your favorite songs, but for the most part, you are left satisfied.

But those who go to a 3 Doors Down concert will not only hear songs like “Kryptonite,” “Away from the Sun,” “Here Without You,” and “Be Like That,” but they will also hear something else. That something else is much more important than any song played during the show. It’s a message about Christ’s love for them and how He loves and cares for them despite their sins and failings.

Lead singer Brad Arnold shares that message. In a clip posted on YouTube, he explains why he decided to use his time on stage to talk about Christ’s love.

“Last year, I was just praying about the tour before we went out on tour,” Brad said. “Then, in a prayer, just heard God’s voice say, ‘I want you to tell them that I love them.’”

Later in the clip, Brad added he does not consider himself a good public speaker. But if he is going to talk to the crowd during the show, he wants to use his words to share the love of Christ with those in attendance.

“If I’m going to use a moment on stage to talk, then I want to give glory to God, and I want to take a chance to tell people that Jesus loves them,” Brad said.

1 Corinthians 1:17 “For Christ sent me, not to give baptism, but to be a preacher of the good news: not with wise words, for fear that the cross of Christ might be made of no value.”

Source: Fox News

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