Cat Finally Warms Up to Dog, and the Results are Precious

One cat finally warmed up to a dog, and the results are absolutely precious. This sweet, cute little dog wanted to be pals with his owner’s cat so incredibly bad, and then, out of nowhere, it finally happened, making for one of the most adorable sights you’ve ever seen. Check out the video to see how the dog’s relentless attempts at friendship finally paid off.

Dogs and cats are constantly depicted as enemies in television shows and movies. We’re led to believe that they are just too different from one another. Because of those perceived and actual differences, a friendship between a canine and a feline is a ridiculous idea, an impossibility. But sometimes the impossible is possible, though, right?

As every pet owner – past and present – will attest, cats and dogs are very different. Generally, cats like to be left alone and to do their own thing. On the other hand, dogs, for the most part, are full of energy and constantly in need of attention and love. When stating these stark personality differences out loud, it makes sense why dogs and cats may not get along.

However, a clip posted on YouTube shows a golden retriever who was bound and determined to become friends with his furry, four-legged housemate, a large, full-grown, orange-and-crème colored cat. The dog, beginning as a puppy, would approach the cat badly wanting to play. Being a cat, the cat did not want to horse around and let the puppy clearly know its feelings on the matter.

But the dog was persistent and tried and tried and tried again. The dog wanted to be friends, and the cat really did not. At one point, the clip shows the cat quickly sprinting in the opposite direction when it spots the dog approaching.

Eventually, though, when the dog and cat’s owners least expected it, they found the two animals cuddled together, making for one of the most heartwarming scenes you’ve ever spotted. This shows that persistence pays off!

Genesis 1:21 “And God created great whales, and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after their kind: and God saw that it was good.”

Source: The Dodo

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer for Protection and Safety during Winter Storms - Your Daily Prayer - January 20

When we are tempted to fear the winter storms this season, may we be reminded of dwelling in the shelter of our God who is the Most High.

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