This Cat’s Hilarious Reactions to Foods Will Have You Cracking Up

This cat’s hilarious and unexpected reactions to different foods will have you cracking up. It’s clear from this feline’s hysterical response to several foods it was not interested in any of them. Check out this short but laugh-out-loud clip that will have you laughing long after it ends.

No two people are 100 percent alike. Sure, some people may have similarities, but God created all of us to be individuals, not replicas or duplicates. We all have our likes, dislikes, tastes and preferences. How boring would life be if we were all the same in every possible way?

Our tastebuds are one of the most noticeable ways we are different. Not everyone likes the same foods. According to one hilarious video posted on YouTube, those differences in tastebuds include some of our furry, four-legged friends.

In the clip, Milo, a full-grown, orange-and-cream-colored cat, is offered a series of foods. However, the feline is an extremely harsh critic, choosing not even to bite any of them. In fact, one smell is enough to cause the animal to dry heave for most of the food he's offered. It responds this way to food most of us would gobble up in moments if they were provided to us.

The video starts with Milo being offered a bite of steak. Steak, of course, is a favorite food of many, but not Milo. Milo takes a few seconds, almost as if it’s considering the food placed before him, and then reacts with a violent dry heave.

The very next food put before the animal is what is described as a chicken kabob. It’s then placed in front of the cat, offering an animal a piece of the dish. However, again, the cat responds as if the smell of it is enough to cause it to vomit.

Everyone does not appreciate Milo’s adverse reaction to the chicken kabob. Someone is heard saying, “No, it’s delicious!”

While the animal does not react as negatively to everything presented to it, it still does not want anything to do with any of them. Talk about a picky eater!

Genesis 1:21 “And God created great whales, and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.”

Source: ViralHog

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A Prayer to Stay in Step with God’s Spirit - Your Daily Prayer - January 21

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