…because you love Him! Humble testimony. There is hope for you!

…because you love Him! Humble testimony. There is hope for you!

This testimony was when I was working in the grocery industry at “Johnathan’s” in La Jolla, California.

Comment about this video.

I think it’s unpretentious, an example to those new in their faith and maybe even some old in the faith that may have lost sight of the simple truth of just being in a close relationship with God by spending time with God. The simpleness of hiding His word in our hearts is something that a lot of people loose over time. I think it’s something that needs to be shared.

You always lead and point others to the Father, it’s a gift from Him for sure, that you use regularly.

Thank you,

Thank you everyone for watching! By faith it will be life changing for you!

If you desire the full impact of the video. “Red and White Blood Cells (Preparation and timing) Part 6”


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