Graduate Goes Viral With Tribute Song To Parents

One young man’s song about parents during a high school graduation has gotten a lot of attention.

Graduation is an exciting time. Whether it's receiving a high school diploma or a college degree, it’s a big accomplishment. However, while graduation ceremonies are a time to celebrate, they can also be anxiety filled. Those events mark the conclusion of one chapter and the beginning of the next. 

Often the next steps in life can be scary, especially when it’s something as monumental as going off to college, moving out or joining the workforce. Mom and Dad may not be around to give advice as frequently or protect you from potentially harmful situations.

In a video posted to YouTube, Danny Kenny plays the piano and sings a touching song, which is a tribute to parents who have been there all the way. 

The song begins on a somewhat humorous note as the young man sings about how he was asked to create a song last August. But in true high school student fashion, he admits he wrote the tune at the last minute, during lunch, actually. 

After singing about the poor quality of the school lunches, Danny quickly moves on to lines about parents. He does confess that he will miss Mom and Dad for several reasons. 

The high school graduate sings how he will miss boating outings with his father and his mother’s sweet reactions when he succeeds in competitions. He adds that he’ll miss the secure grip of his parents’ hand during times when things in life seem a bit unsure. 

Change and growing up is scary because it’s unknown. What will be there waiting for us? Will we be tough enough to handle it? 

Danny’s song perfectly captures the fears and anxiety that come with that stage in life. But it’s also a moving and heartfelt tribute to parents.

Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

Source: Danny Kenny

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