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I cre­at­ed this video to be shown be­fore the last song of Dis­tinc­tion en­ti­tled "If No One Will Lis­ten." Many for­get that those af­flict­ed or af­fect­ed by HIV/AIDS suf­fer from more than the ac­tu­al phys­i­cal ail­ment. Of­ten, it can be­come a men­tal, so­cial and spir­i­tu­al death...a stig­ma that too many can­not see past. As I be­gan to come up with ideas of this video's di­rec­tion, I was re­mind­ed first that "If any of you lacks wis­dom, you should ask God, who gives gen­er­ous­ly to all with­out find­ing fault, and it will be giv­en to you" (James 1:5) and in 1 Corinthi­ans 13:13 where we are told "Faith, Hope and Love re­main. But the great­est of these is love." It's my hope that we do all love each oth­'s not a past-​time, a choice. Love is a must.

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