Cat Rips Up Owner's Wedding Photo After They Bring Home A New Kitty

Cat Rips Up Owner's Wedding Photo After They Bring Home A New Kitty

In this humorous video, a cat rips up his owners’ wedding photo after they bring home a new kitty.

In this entertaining video, a man shares video clips of a journey to rescue a stray cat to bring home. As he was at McDonald's, the stray cat was lured to him with small french fries. The adorable cat even walks up hesitantly and high-fives the man.

After two hours the cat left. The man and his wife went back to check on the skinny feline. The couple drops a nugget into a kennel and are able to take the cat home. 

You see clips of the cute cat slowly warming up to the new owners in the garage. They ease into bringing the cat into the home. They put the cat in the bathroom and he slept in the sink.

The owners share how they already own a cat and his name is Jimmy. Jimmy was mad at his owners for the new pet. Jimmy does not like Donald being in the house. When the couple gets home they discover a wedding photo has been scratched up by Jimmy. 

The two try to create a bond between the pets. What starts out as hissing and resistance leads to a little playing. Now the two cats love each other. 

Sometimes we, like Jimmy, can be quick to judge others without truly getting to know them. Whether you had a bad first impression or maybe have a tendency to struggle with pride, these cats remind us of the fun and joy that can be found if we open our hearts to the Lord and allow Him to love others through us.

“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15:12


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