Adorable Ponies Spread Friendship and Smiles Among Nursing Home Residents

Some adorable ponies are helping to spread friendship and smiles among nursing home residents. These miniature horses brighten the days of people who need it the most. Check out the clip for the sweet and heartwarming story.

Everyone wants and needs friends and to know that someone cares about them and their well-being. Loneliness is one of the worst feelings in the world. Even natural introverts who would rather spend most of their free time by themselves still need friends and those relationships.

Sadly, some of the loneliest people are elderly individuals. Because of their age and loss of mobility, they cannot get out often and connect with others. That’s why it’s important to make a concerted effort to visit and keep in contact with older adults. A quick, short conversation or a smile at someone feeling all alone could make a world of difference.

In a clip posted on YouTube, one woman in England and her furry, four-legged pals are working to brighten the days of nursing home residents. The smiles and utter joy on their faces as they interact with the Shetland ponies are enough to make you shed a tear or two.

Two of the women in the clip even kiss the tiny, kind animals on the head as they hug and pet the horses.

“We’re quite good pals, aren’t we?” one of the residents asks the pony. “Quite good pals.”

Sarah Woodland, the woman behind the Shetland pony visits, said the horses provide the residents with a momentary escape.

“It’s something else for them to focus on, isn’t there?” she said. “So, it’s something else for them to think about, to focus on, to love.”

It’s amazing the difference a little bit of kindness and love can make in the lives of others. 

Genesis 1:21 “And God created great whales, and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.”

Source: Inside Edition

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer When Comparison Roars in Your Heart - Your Daily Prayer - January 17

Comparison pumps me up or tears me down depending on who I’m comparing myself to, and I finally heard God whispering, “That’s enough, daughter. Let me reveal my truth.”

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