Van Zant | 'There You Are' (acoustic)

Enjoy another acoustic performance from southern rock icons Donnie & Johnny Van Zant. This is the duo's first ever live performance of 'There You Are.' The track is featured on their first ever Christian album, 'Always Look Up,' releasing this Friday, Novemebr 22, 2024. Van Zant is made up of .38 Special co-founder Donnie Van Zant and Lynyrd Skynyrd frontman Johnny Van Zant. Be sure to also look up the acoustic performance they did of 'Speak His Name,' which has been viewed over a million times!

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer for When a Friendship Falls Apart - Your Daily Prayer - February 9

If you've walked through losing a friendship, I see you. I know it is painful and, at times question, provoking. But, let Jesus in that space.

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