Kind Waitress Moved to Tears by Unforgettable Gift from Grateful Customer

A kind waitress was moved to tears by an unforgettable gift from a grateful customer. The woman was caught off guard and taken aback by the customer’s touching words and gifts. Watch the short video to see the unexpected and beautiful moment unfold.

Small and insignificant acts of kindness may not be viewed by the person on the receiving end that way. To some people, a random, small act of kindness may mean the world to them. A warm smile, a friendly hug, a listening ear or showing someone a little bit of grace and patience may be the thing they need at that exact moment.

However, most of the time, we will never see how much our kindness means to someone else, which is perfectly fine. We shouldn’t exhibit kind, loving behavior toward others with the expectation of a reward. We’re called to show others the love of Jesus Christ.

However, a video posted on social media shows how much a waitress’s kindness, grace and patience meant to a mother. The restaurant employee’s kind act even inspired others to do something for her, and, as the man in the video says, “It put a lot of light out into the world.”

The short one-minute clip begins with the customer at the table, finishing his meal. The waitress walks over to the table, and he says he wants to talk to her and proceeds to ask her to sit down. The woman is, of course, a tad concerned. She thinks something bad is coming in her direction, likely a tongue-lashing about her service. 

But that is not the case at call.

He tells her that a few days before their conversation, she had helped a mother with a few kids who weren’t on their best behavior. He adds that instead of being short and dismissive to the mother and her kids, the waitress “treated her with dignity and kindness.” The waitress touched the mother so much that she took to Facebook to post about how the waitress treated her.

From that Facebook post, the man in the video went around to several people in the community, collecting money and gift cards, which he presented to the young woman.

As is to be expected when something so beautiful and unexpected happens, both have tears in their eyes by the end of the clip.

Ephesians 4:32 “And be kind to one another, full of pity, having forgiveness for one another, even as God in Christ had forgiveness for you.”

Source: zaglife

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