Baby’s Intense and Hilarious ‘Workout’ Will Have You in Stitches

One baby’s intense and hilarious “workout” will have you in stitches, leaving you gasping for air between laughs. The youngster’s hysterical attempt to stay in shape will, without a doubt, be one of the funniest things you see today. Check out the video to watch the child’s exercise session.

There are a handful of things you can do to stay as healthy as possible. Medical professionals everywhere stress the importance of sleep and eating a well-balanced, healthy diet. Both recommendations make a lot of sense. Sleep allows our bodies the opportunity to slow down, rest, recharge and repair themselves. Food, on the other hand, is the fuel for our bodies to run and function.

In addition to proper sleep and nutrition, exercise is also necessary to stay as healthy as possible. Physical activity gets our hearts beating, blood pumping and muscles working. It doesn’t matter what the activity is; it’s all about getting up and moving.

A short but hilarious video posted on social media shows one young man already understands the importance of exercise and staying physically active. In the clip, the little guy is strapped into a chair and rocks back and forth at a surprisingly rapid pace.

The baby uses the spring-loaded chair to move himself back and forth. This little guy is familiar with this workout regime, clearly having done it once or twice. He shows no fear. It’s an odd but hilarious sight.

If the scene of a child frantically “working out” wasn’t funny enough, a musical track is added to emphasize the baby’s crazy motions. Over loud, pulsating and repetitive beats, a voice says, “More passion! More passion! More energy! More energy! More footwork! More footwork!”

The music and the added voice sound like something you might hear in a spin class or some other high-intense cardio class.

1 Timothy 4:8 “For the training of the body is of profit for a little, but religion is of profit in every way, giving hope for the life which now is, and for that which is to come.”

Source: krystalsbr

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A Prayer to Help Us through the Cold, Dark Nights of Winter - Your Daily Prayer - February 16

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