Boy Scout with Autism Becomes a Hero, Helps Save His Father and Brother’s Lives

A boy scout with autism became a hero when he stepped up and helped save his father and brother’s lives. The young man took quick and decisive action during a frightening situation, which led to their rescue. Check out the short clip for the powerful and heartwarming story.

Politicians, actors and athletes are, for the most part, not heroes. The media and many on social media may say otherwise, but they are incorrect. In fact, they couldn’t be more wrong. Someone voting in Congress or putting a ball through a hoop in no way compares to what a doctor, nurse, firefighter or EMT does. One group saves lives while the other provides entertainment and casts votes.

Heroes are also frequently average, everyday people who step up and do extraordinary things in times of crisis and great peril. Louis Miklovic, 12, is the true definition of a hero.

A clip posted on YouTube details the terrifying situation that led to Louis’s heroic action. The scary incident began when Louis, his father, Josh Miklovic, and his younger brother, Pete Miklovic, were camping. Josh and Pete were enjoying a hike when Pete lost his footing, sending him and his father over a cliff and falling about 80 feet.

Louis, who saw his father and brother take the frightening fall, ran toward a nearby road to get help. He eventually caught the attention of a park ranger who happened to be driving by. Louis explained the situation to the park ranger.

At first glance, Louis’s actions don’t appear to be heroic in nature. However, as the clip explains, communicating and interacting with others can be challenging for Louis because of his autism. But the young man stepped up and was able to seek help for his father and brother.

“How he communicates with others is a challenge, but that day, it was all clear,” Josh, Louis’s father, said. “It was all clear. And that is 100 percent Louis at his finest.”

Philippians 2:4 “Not looking everyone to his private good, but keeping in mind the things of others.”

Source: KMOV St. Louis

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