Anne Wilson 'Southern Gospel' Awe-Inspiring Live Performance

Anne Willson, one of the biggest names in the Christian music scene, turned in an awe-inspiring live performance of her tune “Southern Gospel.” In the clip, Anne shows that she is a terrific live performer, giving the crowd a stunning show. You will want to watch this clip multiple times to watch and listen to Anne’s excellent performance.

No one is a mistake, an accident or alive merely by coincidence. The Lord created everyone with a specific purpose and a role in mind. For this reason, no two people are the same. Everyone is different in a variety of ways. He is in the business of creating originals, not duplicates and replicas.

God’s Kingdom is vast and diverse, comprised of individuals who span the globe. It encompasses many languages, cultures and races, and because of those differences, not everyone who has accepted Christ as their personal Lord and Savior will act and do the exact same things 100 % of the time. Again, God creates individuals, not carbon copies.

In her song “Southern Gospel,” Anne sings about some of the many different individuals who make up God’s Kingdom. Before her performance, Anne states, “This song is all about how it takes all kinds of people.”

“Here’s the church, here’s the steeple

Inside you’ll find all of my people

Sunday school teacher, the parking lot smoker

The six weeks pregnant and the six weeks sober”

Much like Anne’s performance in the video, the entire song is enjoyable and infectious, with its upbeat, fast-paced rhythm and melody and incredibly relatable lyrics. However, those four simple lines above perfectly describe and articulate the many kinds of people who are God’s children and part of His Kingdom. 

Colossians 3:16 “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”


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Today's Devotional

A Prayer to Impact Those in Your Sphere of Influence - Your Daily Prayer - February 8

All of us influence others, whether we realize it or not, especially younger people

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