Quick-Thinking Bus Passengers Take Charge During Driver’s Medical Emergency

It is always encouraging to hear stories about everyday heroes. Check out this video where quick-thinking bus passengers take charge during a driver’s medical emergency. 

The video begins with a narrator sharing how the bus driver passes out on his morning route. We then see footage of the bus from a security camera.

 An alarm sounds on the bus, and a passenger holding his morning coffee quickly responds by getting up and tending to the driver. He asks if the driver is alright and then another passenger further in the back runs to assist. The second passenger thinks on his feet and jumps into the driver’s seat on the bus. He takes charge and gets the bus under control while the other man tends to the driver. 

The way that these passengers responded is nothing short of heroic. The one driving even thinks clearly enough to call the dispatch and update them on what is going on at their bus in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The passenger driving the bus had never driven a bus, but was calm and confident enough to protect those on board and on the road. The driver had a seizure that was being tended to during all of this chaos. The man took charge by driving the bus and helping it to come to a stop at a bus stop safely. His name is Joseph Wood. 

In the interview, he shares that that is a big machine that could have hurt a lot of people if it had gotten out of control. These heroic acts saved lives of those in the path and on the bus. In unforeseen situations, we can call upon the Lord to be our help as we look to Him and trust in Him, just like this passenger was given strength to do what he needed to do, God gives us the strength to do the same as well.

“I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.”  Psalm 121:1-2

Source: Inside Edition

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